1、2020年度廣東省自然科學基金聯合項目,納米金靶向SENP1去SUMO化修飾改善結直腸癌血管狹窄的機制研究 主持
2、2019年暨南大學第一臨床醫學院科研培育基金項目,基于納米金修飾重組人血管內皮抑制素減壓結腸癌血管提高放化療療效的機制研究 主持
3、2019年度廣東省自然科學基金面上項目,納米金修飾重組人血管內皮抑制素減壓結腸癌血管提高放化療療效的機制研究 排名第二
1. Xiaoxu Zhao# Jinghua Pan# Wei Li Wende Yang Li Qin Yunlong Pan*. Gold nanoparticles enhance cisplatin delivery and potentiate chemotherapy by decompressing colorectal cancer vessels. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2018 13: 6207-6221.
2. Xiaoxu Zhao# Jinghua Pan# Yan Song Hui Ding Li Qin Yunlong Pan*. Recombined human endostatin (Endostar) enhances cisplatin delivery and potentiates che-motherapy by decompressing colorectal cancer vessels. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2017 10(11): 10792-10801.
3. Pan JH# Zhou H Zhao XX Ding H Wei L Qin L Pan YL*. Robotic thyroidectomy versus conventional open thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Surg Endosc 2017 31(10): 3985-4001.
4. Pan JH# Zhou H Zhao XX Ding H Qin L Pan YL*. Long-term oncological outcomes in robotic gastrectomy versus laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer: a meta-analysis. Surg Endosc 2017 31(10): 4244-4251.
5. 丁暉#,趙曉旭,潘運龍*,覃莉,傅岳武. 納米金對荷結腸癌小鼠電刀手術前后細胞間黏附分子-1、轉化生長因子-1的影響. 中華實驗外科雜志 2017 34(1): 17-19.
6. Li W# Zhao X Du B Li X Liu S Yang XY Ding H Yang W Pan F Wu X Qin L Pan Y*. Gold Nanoparticle-Mediated Targeted Delivery of Recombinant Human Endostatin Normalizes Tumour Vasculature and Improves Cancer Therapy. Sci Rep 2016 6: 30619.
7. Meng WC#* Pan Y Zhao X. Epirubicin-gold nanoparticles suppress hepatocellular carcinoma xenograft growth in nude mice. J Biomed Res 2015 29(6): 486-490.